Stud.IP is a virtual learning environment (VLE). It's the system you use to sign up for modules, including seminars, workshops and tutorials, download module-related content, get timely updates on the module sessions and engage with the lecturer and your fellow students via the noticeboards. Moreover, you can use Stud.IP for your CampusCard account functions.
How to access Stud.IP
You need to use your campus network username (e.g. lastname06) and password to access Stud.IP.
Stud.IP for students
All modules have a Stud.IP code, allowing you to:
- quickly find and register for individual modules
- set up your personal timetable
- access learning materials and news updates for your modules
Stud.IP for teaching staff
You can use Stud.IP to:
- manage electronic registrations
- provide module-related content for download
- communicate with the students registered for your module
- make preparations for room bookings
- provide the content for the virtual module catalogue
To manage modules in Stud.IP, you require elevated access rights, which can be requested for you by any staff member who has those same rights (e.g. chairholders or office staff). This is done by navigating to: Tools > Lecturer rights > New application.